Parrotfish are members of the family Scaridae. Abundant on shallow reefs of theRed Sea , Indian, and Pacific Oceans .Parrotfish are named for their dentition; their numerous teeth are tightly arranged on the external surface of the jaw, forming a parrot like beak which is used to rasp algae from coral and other rocky substrates . Many of them are brightly coloured in shades of blue, green, red and yellow. Parrotfish eat a wide variety of organisms that live on coral reefs. Some species eat corals. This is important for the production and distribution of coral sands in the reef. Ingested during feeding, coral rock is ground up by thetheeth. After they digest this it is excreted as sand creating small islands and idyllic sandy beaches.So, if you go on holiday and lie on a beautiful sandy beach think that it has been made with excrements of the parrot fish.
NB2A/C--Homework: You were given the marked compositions you had done a few days before : a description of a painting. You ought to make a serious effort in order to improve this skill.Just follow my instructions and take your time at home making drafts until you get the result you want. Don´t be discouraged because at the beginning it may be a bit hard but in the long run ,you´ll be able to write very well.
The marks are in the blog.
Workbook, pages 10 and 11about relative clauses and pronuntiation of words and grammar, unit 101 with more exercises on relative clauses.
--Speaking: This grammar input was put into practice with two speaking activities. One to fill in whith relatives and verbs and the oral a game of cards where one gave the definition of the word and the other had to guess it.
--Writing: Student´s book, page 13: Describing yourself. An e-mail with mistakes to spot and comprehension questions. You will write a similar e-mail with your own information following the instructions on the bottom left corner of page 13.
--Listening: Srudent´s book, page 15. The first with five short conversation to circle the correct answer , the second, a bit more difficult, to complete the sentences with a name.
--Homework, pages 14 and 15 . Do all these exercises (except the listening).
--Homework. As nobody had done their homework,it was left for next Monday.
--Pronunciation: some difficult sounds in the words: journalist and chat, in student´s books,page 13. I think the best tip to pronounce the first word is like Argentinian do with the ll and as far as the second sound is concerned for the ch is very much like the ch in Spanish.
--Grammar: Student´s books, page 15 about the different types of adverbs with examples from the Bill Bryson reading on page 14. On page 130 we dealt with some general rules and a couple of exercises. From this we went to page 146 and saw adverbs which are often confused,e.g. near and nearly, actually and at the moment;common sentence adverbs like: basically,ideally, in fact ...and adverbs of degree: fairly, rather, slightly,extremely... The use of adverbs makes the language more vivid, you should use them to make your compositions more detailed and sophisticated.
--Speaking:An adverb bingo where you had statements with blanks that you had to fill while I was saying adverbs.
--Writing: A very basic joke about a tortoise and a snail you had to make it more lively by adding adverbs.
--Homework.Grammar, unit 100 and 101.