On Friday 14th November a literary gathering called Los Placeres : de leer ,de escribir, de viajar…took place in Pravia .It was sponsored by the Asturias Writers Association (AEA) and the Public Library of Pravia . Very well known writers were invited to give lectures.It was the case of Luis Alberto de Cuenca, Luis Antonio de Villena and Javier Reverte, one of my favourite writers.I fell in love with his books when I first read Corazón de Ulises , a trip he had made on the Mediterranean coasts guided by The Odissey of Homer. He has also written Los Caminos Perdidos de Africa, and Vagabundo en Africa, among others. I had the privilege to sit next to him for dinner ,but there were more surprises to come because the lady sitting opposite me was Cristina Jerez Prado, the librarian of the Public Library of Pravia, also in charge of the literary meeting . I must say that the long talk I had with this lady was a definite discovery of a reality I hadn´t paid enough attention to, the exact word would be neglected. The reality of the handicapped , disabled , less abled or people with learning difficulties (the last one is the most politically correct) , an issue not many people care unless they have one at home. I became aware of thousands of people with their feelings ,hopes and and wish to learn ,people we usually sneer at because they learn more slowly than those who proudly call themselves ordinary.
Cristina was so kind that she sent me a book a group of less abled belonging to ASCIVITAS had made along with the Public Library of Pavia ,a project titled El Mundo a través de Nuestros Ojos, The World Through our Eyes, which received the award IX Campaña de Animación a la Lectura María Moliner. While I was reading , it dawned on me the limited and narrow minded outlook of life I have had throughout all these years. So I set myself to work and thought it would be a good start to let you know about this book. I made photocopies of the poem by Benkt-Erik Hedin and the chapters of this book. You can read them and write your opinion in this blog , in English of course. I sincerely hope you enjoy the activity .
This is the first article of a series you have written about the book published the members of ASCIVITAS and the Public Library Library of Pravia (Cristina Jerez) . They are tender, moving , sometimes hard and critical with a genuine, unique outlook. I hope you all like it.
My name's Mª José, I'm from Sotrondio I´m married and I have two children. I go to The Oficial School of Languages in Langreo and there I read the articles of your book El Mundo a Través de Nuestros Ojos. I've read Alcalde and Ley del Fumador, and really I liked them. In the article titled Alcalde, sure you will be very good mayors and you will be better than Julián Muñoz because you have fantastic plans for your town.
About Ley del Fumador, I completely agree with you, but pitifully I'm a smoker and I try to respect the others no smoking in public places, but it is very difficult for me to stop it. Although I try to buy chewing gum and sweets as you say.
No everyone writes and publishes books, so congratulations and go on with these great ideas, because time isn't important but the results are.(When you do something well, nobody is going to ask you: How long did it take you to do it?).
Best wishes.
About Ley del Fumador, I completely agree with you, but pitifully I'm a smoker and I try to respect the others no smoking in public places, but it is very difficult for me to stop it. Although I try to buy chewing gum and sweets as you say.
No everyone writes and publishes books, so congratulations and go on with these great ideas, because time isn't important but the results are.(When you do something well, nobody is going to ask you: How long did it take you to do it?).
Best wishes.
Mª José del Canto Torres (NB2C)
We had the class in the TIC lab working with the workbook and grammar CDs . They provide very good supplementary activities and are also fun. A reading exercise I collected.
--Homework: workbook. p.19,20 and 21
--We had the class in the TIC lab and did exercises found in several web pages . You can easily find them in EOI Langreo,recursos, links de inglés.
A reading exercise I collected .
--Homework: write you ideas and opinions about the chapters you were given. Remember to write a short description of yourselves.