My name´s Claudia . I study biology at Univeersity and I live in El Entrego. Nowadays I go to Langreo EOI and I have read La Emigración and La Muerte, chapters of the book El Mundo a través de Nuestros Ojos. I liked them very much and I´m impressed with the clarity of your conclusions . I think that these topics can´t be explained more clearly and concisely. In my opinion the book is an excellent idea because we don´t normally look at the world from a point of view different from ours and we become very unrealistic people.
Claudia Alonso. NI2E
My name´s Merced and I liked the two articles I read very much. The first one is about the library and you send us a message : that we must look after the books and CDs we borrow from the library. The second one is abour the royal family and it´s like a short story . You tell us about the life of the king, the queen and the prince. When you say that you would like to be a prince or a princess to give presents to other people, I think you are already prices and princesses because you have given us your articles with your opinions as a prize. You can do much more. Carry on with these great ideas. Congratulations.
Mercedes Suárez NI2E
My name´s Merced and I liked the two articles I read very much. The first one is about the library and you send us a message : that we must look after the books and CDs we borrow from the library. The second one is abour the royal family and it´s like a short story . You tell us about the life of the king, the queen and the prince. When you say that you would like to be a prince or a princess to give presents to other people, I think you are already prices and princesses because you have given us your articles with your opinions as a prize. You can do much more. Carry on with these great ideas. Congratulations.
Mercedes Suárez NI2E