This is an easy recipe for the EOI Party. Please,try and do your best taking part . You can do a recipe with your classmate , so it´ll be more fun and if it tastes nice, you´ll be likely to get a prize. Bear in mind that these activities are basically for the students and without you it won´t have much sense.
Let me remind you of the game "What´s love love for you?". You just have to write your definition of love on a card your teacher will give you ,vote them and ,if you´re lucky, get a prize.
Ask your teacher for these two activities.
I miss you a lot . You´re great students!!
Chocolate and Orange Cake
This chocolate cake is quick and easy to make. Chocolate and orange are natural partners.
Serves: 6-8
100 Gram Butter
100 Gram Sugar
1 Egg, beaten
175 Gram Self raising flour
2 Tablespoon Cocoa powder
1 Teaspoon Bicarbonate of soda
175 ml Milk
300 ml Whipping cream
2 Teaspoon Orange liqueur
1 Orange, grated zest and segments
Pre-heat oven to 180 °C / Gas 4.
Lightly grease two 15 cm cake tins. Melt the butter and sugar in a saucepan over a low heat. Leave to cool for 2 minutes. Add the egg and beat well. Fold in the flour and cocoa powder. Mix the bicarbonate of soda and the milk, add slowly to the mixture.
Pour into the prepared cake tins and bake for 25 minutes, until cooked and risen. Leave in the tins for 2 minutes, then turn out and leave to cool on a wire rack.
Whip the cream stiffly. Fold in the liqueur and most of the orange zest. Use to sandwich the cakes together, reserving a little for the top. Decorate with the remaining cream mixture, orange zest and the segments.