Monday, September 29, 2008


Perhaps the most typical "reef fish," anthias make one largest groups of the population of pink, orange and yellow fish seen in most coral reefs. The anthias are members of the family Serranidae.

Anthias are mostly small, peaceful, and beautiful; and because of this are quite popular in aquariums . They form complex social structures based on the number of males and females , and eat mainly zooplankton . They live in all tropical oceans and seas of the world.

Anthias appear in large groups, though they usually have smaller subdivisions within the school, called "harems". These consist of one dominant, colorful male with a group of females from 2 to 12 . Females also have their own hierarchy among them. Males are very territorial and perform acrobatic displays to defend their area of the reef and its harem.

Anthias are hermaphrodites . All anthias are born female; if a dominant male dies, the largest female of the group will often change into a male to take its place. Curious isn´t it?


  • Previous homework: Workbook ,pages 4 and 5, exercises 1,2,3 and 4. Student´s book ,page 126 1A a and b.
  • Grammar Book: Units 2 and 4 about questions with the verb to be and the present continuous.
  • Revision of: numbers, dates,ordinals, alphabet , the time, seasons, days of the week and months of the year. I thought a revision might be useful for you to remember what you learnt last year. There´s a web where you´ll find more activities about the subject.
  • I gave you the results of the Entry Test you had done the day before. Well, I must say that some of you surely springcleaned your brain during the holidays. Having less than 35 out of 50 is to be on the edge of the cliff . So, do something now before it´s too late.
  • Homework for Thursday: Grammar book ,units 2 and 4. Workbook, page 5 ,exercise 5 a and b.
  • Phonetic symbols in student´s book, page 159 . Identification and repetition of sounds.Contrast /v/-/b/ and others.
  • Matching names to their phonetics and pronunciation in student´s book ,page 4.
  • Reading. Student´s book, page 5. While you were reading out the paragraphs in turns , I was taking notes of the most common mistakes. Once you finished ,I wrote them down on the blackboard and checked their proper pronunciation. We did exercises a, about the main topic of the article and b, with true-false statements . On page 5, a vocabulary activity to infer the meaning of some highlighted words from the text.
  • Speaking :What´s in a name? At first you were reluctant to play an active part in the activity. Well, soon after being strongly told off , you did a pretty good job with the topic. Next time, you could save me from acting like a tyrant.
  • Phrasal verbs. Student´s book, page 6. We went through activities a,b,c and d ...and the bell rang. Now you were saved from doing some exercises I had planned.
  • Homework: go over your entry tests and tomorrow ask me what you haven´t been able to work out on your own and also a handout with drawings to write the phrasal verbs below.

Environmental Issues.

In spite of being written in in Spanish , I´d like you to write your opinion in English.
Impactos ambientales en la obtención de fibras vegetales
El consumo de fibras vegetales, en particular de madera, para fabricar pastas de papel es uno de los costes más señalados a la hora de hablar de los impactos ambientales generados por la industria papelera.
Cada año se pierden en el mundo 11 millones de hectáreas de superficie forestal, lo que equivale a la desaparición de un campo de fútbol cada 2 segundos. Entre las razones de este declive se señalan además de la producción de madera para usos industriales y combustibles, la deforestación por la expansión de los pastos, cultivos y el desarrollo urbano.
En España la industria papelera consumió ese año 5 millones de m3 de madera y la tendencia es que este consumo siga aumentando.

Actualmente la mayoría de la madera procede de plantaciones forestales de especies de crecimiento rápido, aunque aún se siguen explotando los últimos bosques vírgenes boreales y tropicales que existen en el planeta.
Las plantaciones forestales pueden ser una alternativa a la extracción de madera de los bosques, siempre que se gestionen con criterios sostenibles. Así, cualquier nueva plantación debería establecerse en terrenos realmente degradados, que no se puedan regenerar de forma natural, ni se cultiven y nunca deben sustituir a bosques autóctonos. Las plantaciones forestales realizadas en España a lo largo de este siglo han sustituido bosques autóctonos mediterráneos y atlánticos por especies de crecimiento rápido, como pino y eucalipto. Estos monocultivos forestales, con árboles de la misma edad, pierden la enorme diversidad biológica y riqueza de los bosques, reducen la calidad del suelo y del paisaje, y, además, son más propensos a incendios, plagas y enfermedades.
Diversas empresas, organizaciones no gubernamentales y administraciones han desarrollado certificados que garantizan que la madera que se compra proviene de plantaciones gestionadas con criterios de sostenibilidad. También algunos certificados sobre productos de papel, permiten solo la utilización de restos de limpieza de bosques o madera dañada para la fabricación de papel. El certificado indio Eco-Mark India asegura que el papel no ha sido fabricado con fibras de madera virgen.

What do you think about it? Is deforestation having an impact in our landscape, economy,lives? What do you think of the resorts built on the Mediterranean coast? and here in Asturias, what´s going to happen to our forests?

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