Anemones areinvertebrates, as are 95% of the earth's creatures. Most invertebrates are insects. The phylum Cnidaria includes anemones, corals, jellyfish, and hydras. The 'cnidae' are the stinging cells which provide the animals a means of capturing prey and/or defending themselves with a painful sting. There is only one opening into this cavity, the mouth, through which everything passes in and out. The mouth is surrounded by several or many tentacles which contain the nematocysts (cnidae) at their tips. Sea anemones, being members of the Class Anthozoa, along with hard and soft corals are attached to rocks or the sea floor
Most anemones survive in a symbiotic relation with with a marine algae called. zooxanthellae The zooxanthellae are organisms whose waste products are used by the anemone for food. Since the zooxanthellae require light to carry on photosynthesis, anemones in turn require bright light to thrive in thesea. The zooxanthellae are generally a light brown color, the same color as the light brown leather corals that also harbor zooxanthellae. The loss of zooxanthellae, apparent by a whitening of the anemone, usually means the anemone will slowly grow smaller and smaller until it dies.
We starte with a handout about the most common words, verbs and expressions used in the classroom, so from now on you should make good practise of them instead of speaking "Spanglish".Click on EXERCISE to see them. We went on with the alphabet and several exercises , finally a listening with spelling names.
We had a review on the common expressions used in the classroom , just to make sure you address to each other in English with these basic functions. Click on EXERCISE to see them.
- Student´s Book (st bk) pg 4 "What´s in a name?" a quiz about vocabulary , spelling and pronunciation of names.
- Listening. four people taking about their names .
- Homework: a speaking activity on pag6 titled "What´s in a name?" Please, make a serious effort and do your best because speaking is a matter of daily practice.