Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Coral polyps: Coral reefs consist of hundreds and thousands of soft-bodied, invertebrate animals, having no backbone. These animals are called coral polyps. The individual polyp is radially symmetrical and has a tubular body with tentacles surrounding the mouth at the upper end. Each polyp’s body wall consists of two layers of cells, an outer layer called the ectoderm and an inner endoderm layer. A gelatinous material called mesogloea is found in between these two layers.

-Speaking: Numbers
-Listening: Numbers, telephone numbers and addresses.
- Grammar: Student´s book, pg 4 .1A. Make questions about very common topics: home and family, job/studies, free time activities, the future and the past . First a completion of questions
- Speaking: work pair activity. Ask your partner these questions and note down the answers.
- Writing: write a short composition about your partner with the answers you have.
- Homework: workbook, pg 4, 5
Phonetics: phonetic symbols pg.159 . We devoted quite a long time to this activity as it´s essential for you to know the symbols and how to say them when you come across a new word.
- Pronouncing names. St.B. pg 4 .Match the name with their phonetic transcriptions. Listen and repeat.
- Reading:st. B. pg. 5 It took us time to do this activity since it was the first reading of the courde. You were told the procedures and techniques to cope with readings.
- Vocabulary: St. B. pg 6 Words highlighted from the reading and synonyms
- Speaking: "What´s in a name"? in pairs you followed a series of questions and made a speech . Please, make a serious efffort whoever shy you can be , you must bear in mind that unless you improve your accuracy and fluency you´ll be in trouble.
The following link is about the flu.It´s worth watching it.