-Speaking: Numbers
-Listening: Numbers, telephone numbers and addresses.
- Grammar: Student´s book, pg 4 .1A. Make questions about very common topics: home and family, job/studies, free time activities, the future and the past . First a completion of questions
- Speaking: work pair activity. Ask your partner these questions and note down the answers.
- Writing: write a short composition about your partner with the answers you have.
- Homework: workbook, pg 4, 5
- Phonetics: phonetic symbols pg.159 . We devoted quite a long time to this activity as it´s essential for you to know the symbols and how to say them when you come across a new word.
- Pronouncing names. St.B. pg 4 .Match the name with their phonetic transcriptions. Listen and repeat.
- Reading:st. B. pg. 5 It took us time to do this activity since it was the first reading of the courde. You were told the procedures and techniques to cope with readings.
- Vocabulary: St. B. pg 6 Words highlighted from the reading and synonyms
- Speaking: "What´s in a name"? in pairs you followed a series of questions and made a speech . Please, make a serious efffort whoever shy you can be , you must bear in mind that unless you improve your accuracy and fluency you´ll be in trouble.
The following link is about the flu.It´s worth watching it.